The Christmas Star website and A Bible-Based Chronology from the Creation to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ
This website addresses the critical chronological issues revealed in the Bible as the day of the Lord draws near. In the Bible-based chronology, the author examines where we are on God’s timeline, and more importantly, why it’s not too late to benefit from God’s incredible message of creation, redemption, and eternal life. The book reveals that the Bible contains more than 3,000 years of continuously linked chronology dating from Adam to Solomon, which when connected with three absolute dates that were not known before Israel was back in the land in 1948, provides the most accurate and complete timeline of history in existence. Importantly, the Bible also contains a surprisingly accurate timeline for the end of days that’s been hidden in the past but now, specific windows of time are revealed that highlight the latter days.
The Christmas Star tab at the top of this page and chapter 5 in the Bible-based chronology combine to reveal a detailed and accurate timeline for the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ derived from a “one time in history” Christmas Star appearance that fully supports the nativity story as revealed in Scripture. An important purpose of this book and website is to ignite or re-ignite interest in the restoration of an updated Bible chronology and dates that were once included but had been removed from Scripture by the end of the twentieth century. To understand the background about the removal of dates from the Bible and how their restoration can greatly enhance Scripture and better prepare believers for the coming Messiah, click on the “Background on Bible dating” tab on the left, or this link: . The “Restoration of Bible Dating” tab, also on the left, describes the significance, importance and value of restoring dates to the Bible, especially in these prophetic end times. A Bible-based Chronology can be ordered by clicking on the “Order the book” tab above. The Christmas Star DVD can be watched at “Watch it here” under the Christmas Star tab.