Resources that Complement and Support the Book

The following resources complement and support two major issues addressed in the Bible Based Chronology: The Creation narrative in chapter 1, and the chronology for the Second Coming described in chapter 6.

Chapter 1 Creation narrative resources:

  1.  The Truth Project DVD set: Tour 5 – Science (2 hrs).  In this presentation Darwin’s own criteria are examined and used to disprove his theory of evolution based on molecular biology and the fossil record.  The DVD set is available on the following link:

  • Your Origins Matter DVD (1 hr).  This presentation uses both Scripture and science to make the case for a six day creation.  The DVD is available on the following link:

  • Is Genesis History? DVD (1.6 hrs).  This presentation looks at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for the Creation and the Flood.  DVD order link below:

Chapter 6 Second Advent Chronology resource:

The Bible Based Chronology addresses what Scripture reveals about the timeline for Christ’s Second Coming, but it does not address the prophetic signs that tell us what to look for as the Day of the Lord draws near.   

  1. Living on Borrowed Time (book). The world scoffs at the idea of Jesus’ return.  This book reveals that both the biblical prophets and Jesus made a very definite promise that He would return, and that the Bible gives us definite signs to watch for that identify the season of his return.   The book is available on the following link: